Stockport, Greater Manchester

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The Belle Chords formed in July 2019. Our first official singout took place in challenging conditions in Heaton Moor in September 2019, raising money for Macmillan, but we didn't let the torrential rain dampen our spirits.

Then, in December we enjoyed our opportunity to 'Shine' to a much larger audience at the Crystal Chords Christmas concert. We love to sing together and are keen to compete sometime in the future.

Unfortunately we were not able to take part in the Alderley Edge Music Festival this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, and our plans to attend IABS in Killarney in October have also had to be put on hold.

However, we look forward to meeting again soon when restrictions are lifted and getting back to rehearsing and ringing some chords!

Club: Greater Manchester Ladies Barbershop Harmony Club
Area of operation: Stockport
County: Greater Manchester