LABBS Quartets

While many barbershoppers enjoy singing in a chorus, there is also the option to sing as a four in a quartet, which is what has historically been associated with barbershop. This is a very different experience than singing in a large group but is richly rewarding.

LABBS has over 50 registered quartets, including its "QCs" (Quartet Champions). Our list of winners over the years can be found on our quartet champions page

To be a registered LABBS quartet all four singers must be members of LABBS either via a chorus or via Club At Large (CAL). Read more information on how to join LABBS.

Once you are a member you have access to lots of helpful information, including hints and tips on how to start a new quartet!

One of the most challenging yet exciting aspects of being in a quartet is competition, more information about this can be found on our quartet prelims page. In recent years, a new youth quartet contest was introduced which does not require all quartet singers to be LABBS members, if this is of interest to you as a young person or as a music teacher, please get in touch with us.

Mixed Quartetting

LABBS members also sometimes join forces with singers from other organisations to sing 'mixed' barbershop, that is more than one gender, either in chorus or more frequently as a mixed quartet.

Since 2023 LABBS has taken on the permanent hosting of the LABBS Mixed Quartet contest, in collaboration with BABS and SAI Region 31. The running of the Mixed Quartet contest is now the same as the Women's Quartet contest in LABBS, including all rounds starting with Prelims. This is to ensure that Mixed Quartets are able to qualify for a nomination to BHS International contests, should they meet the criteria.  The contestant calendar page also contains useful information for contestants who are less familiar with the LABBS contest cycle. Contest rules for Mixed Quartets are now in the same documents as other LABBS contests.

  Online 2025 LABBS Quartet registration form: registration is via an online form (the link will open in a new tab/window). 


Interested in booking a LABBS quartet to sing at your event?

In the first instance please contact the Membership Director at with all the relevant details, including date, location and your vision for their participation.